Google Passage Indexing algorithm is also known by other names such as Passage Ranking. The main goal of launching this algorithm is to deliver the best-desired result to the user in the shortest possible time. In the article “An Ultimate Guide to SEO (Search Engine Optimization)” we introduce the Passage Indexing algorithm. In this article on the smart strategy blog, we will dive deep into this algorithm to how to use it for better-answering users.

What is the Google Passage Ranking algorithm?

Google Passage Ranking is designed based on artificial intelligence and can understand the paragraph of a page and text. So get the meaning of each paragraph of an article. With this algorithm, Google can deeply understand your site’s content and display the best results for each user.

Google announced that passage ranking could affect 7% of searched queries. If you remember, in 2019, the BERT algorithm was introduced, which according to Google, was supposed to affect about 10% of the questions in English, but now it has affected almost 99% of the queries!!!!

Why was this decision made?

1- In long articles, the user may not be able to find the complete answer to his question.

2- A series of user intents may be particular, and the user is looking for a specific question. The search engine can offer a more accurate answer and show the sites that gave a better solution at a higher rank.

Google has deepened its understanding of content using artificial intelligence algorithms or natural language processing (NLP) algorithms. Finally, the user no longer needs to click on your link; everything is displayed on Google’s page.


At first, Google stated that the name of this update they presented was passage indexing; later, it was said that it has nothing to do with indexing, and it was named passage ranking, which seems more logical.

What should content producers and SEOs do?

Google has officially announced that the passage indexing algorithm will not replace page indexing and only wants to understand the concept of each section better.


In general, if I want to be clear, I must point out a few points:

1- If you are talking about an issue, please carefully scrutinize the problem and take time to create content so that we don’t write a skyscraper and the end of your blog article is unclear.

2- Optimize the structure of your site according to the mentioned best practices

How does the passage indexing algorithm work?

An interesting point about Google is that it never tells precisely how the algorithms work and only provides a few tips for optimization according to these algorithms. The general point is that the crawlers index the page, and Google now understands what each paragraph or piece of content is and what details it is talking about. Therefore, we expect an extended range that divides the content into smaller parts, provides valuable information, receives more traffic, and has a pleasant experience from this algorithm.


It seems that the passage indexing algorithm is one step ahead of RankBrain in understanding the content better.

I don’t want to talk too much about machine learning. Still, Rank Brain received a series of signals from each website, called ranking parameters, and a neural network (expert system) decided which site was more suitable for this query.

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