Schema markup is the behind-the-scenes code on your site. Humans will never see it. Read this article on the smart strategy blog for more information.

What is schema?

Search engine bots aren’t that smart. They cannot read and understand your content like those who read your posts. For example, they can’t see your pictures or watch your videos.

The giant search engines use It turns your content into a code that Google bots can quickly process and understand. Search engines use this code to display search results more richly.

The uses of schema markups are:
1. articles
2. Products
3. Reviews
4. Recipes
5. applications
6. Events
7. Films
8. Job ads
9. People
10. restaurants
11. Services
12. Music
13. Local businesses
14. Books

Adding these markups to your site, help search engines better understand what your site offers. Then the search engine displays information about the search results through rich snippets.

how to use schema


Does schema make your site rank higher?

Granted, this is not a direct signal for higher organic search rankings.

But rich snippets help your web page appear higher in search results. Additionally, it is seen to improve the click-through rate of the web page.

According to one study, about 70% of Google search results do not use .org markup. And this opens up an excellent opportunity for you.

How to add a schema to WordPress?

Schema markup already exists on your WordPress site. Search engines like Google do a pretty good job detecting its types in your posts and pages (like automatically recognizing that a post is a recipe or technical review). However, Google is not perfect, so sometimes, it needs additional indicators to determine what kind of content is in your posts and pages.

Install a plugin for WordPress.?

There are many plugins that you can add to WordPress. Some allow the creation of individual rich results, while others automate the process of specifying markup for search engines. We like plugins with a little bit of both, usually in the form of SEO plugins like Rank Math and Yoast SEO.


Schema is one of the tools that support SEO. This represents your website’s semantic vocabulary (also known as microdata). markup helps search engine bots better understand your content.

This article on smart strategy explains what schema is, how to add it to WordPress, and its plugins. To ensure the correctness of your website performance, you can contact us or send your request from the smart strategy SEO services. 

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