There is always the possibility of SEO mistakes for any business. These mistakes can be unintentional or happen due to the repeated negligence of web admins. If you are aware of these events and errors and can manage them with your knowledge and experience, there is no need to worry. However, to gain these experiences, we must deal with many things. Especially those who have started a new business and have no previous experience in this field are at high risk of making these mistakes. So join us at the end of this article on the smart strategy blog.


Introducing common SEO mistakes and ways to prevent them

SEO mistakes usually happen when startups think they are on the right track. While ignoring the essential points, they try optimizing their site and content. Here are eight common SEO mistakes. If you take these things seriously and pay enough attention, you can easily avoid these SEO mistakes and be seen in bold search engines.

1. Insufficient attention to content SEO along with content production

Many businesses pay a high price for the content of their website to provide precisely the information that users are looking for. Although this move is one of the most critical factors in the success of a website, when your users and contacts cannot find your website, all this effort will not be effective. Unfortunately, this has prevented many businesses from gaining a foothold.

Smaller businesses prioritize the production and dissemination of website content over SEO strategies and think they must complete their website content and then follow the SEO processes. But the truth is that SEO and content must go hand in hand and step by step. As a result, remember to do the same thing in both topics so that you can be in search engine results in less time.

2. Lack of low competition keyword selection

Although it is always recommended to focus on essential and hot keywords due to the high number of users and contacts, it would be a mistake to focus on these words. This is one of the biggest  SEO mistakes made by startups. On the other hand, if you put some of your activity on low-competition keywords, you will increase your chances of being seen by a large group of users.

This way, you can get a large share of the search engine results in these keywords without competing fiercely with other powerful businesses. Therefore, you must spend most of your time preparing and publishing content with low competition keywords to start. Then after you have established yourself in the search engines, you can enter the next phase and compete for the most competitive keywords.

the long tail keyword for SEO | smart strategy


3. Focus on search engines instead of focusing on users to prevent SEO mistakes

Many small and large businesses make the colossal mistake of thinking that search algorithms (like google dance, rank brain, … )must be bypassed under any circumstances to get better search engine rankings. Hence, many web admins use unconventional and ineffective methods to start activities through which they deceive search engine robots and, as a result, get a better ranking. But as we mentioned, your audience is your users, not search engine bots! And obviously, your activity should attract users’ attention and get rankings in search engines.

Once your contacts are noticed, you can get better rankings in search engines. If you can attract connections, you will get the attention of search engines without extra work. So the tactics for success in this area are almost the same for users and search engine bots.

The main point in this regard is to know the behavior of users and customers. To do this, depending on your field of work and market trends, by researching competitors’ sites, you can find out what users are looking for and then try to meet their needs by providing helpful content or products they need. If the quality of your site content is good enough for users to enter, search engines will also welcome it. Unfortunately, this is one of many businesses’ most common SEO mistakes.


4. Focus too much on familiar search engine standards

The misconception many webmasters have about SEO optimization for search engines is that almost all of a website’s SEO activities and campaigns should be the same as usual search engine standards. This means avoiding using longer keywords and focusing on short ones competing with dozens or hundreds of competing websites.

For this reason, SEO activities for short-term processes need to compete very hard with competitors. This is because search engines rank ads for this type of search, which means that the first few results on the first page of search results belong to websites that have used AdWords ads. As a result, no matter how hard you try, you will not be able to get the advertising position for free.

Therefore, it is recommended that you focus more on long-tail keywords. In this case, you may not get the desired result in a short time, but at least you can be sure that your stability in search engines will be much higher this way, and your website will gain good value and credibility in the long run.


5. Lack of attention to the main topics of SEO

SEO novices, in most cases, do not know that SEO has two external SEO(content) and internal SEO, including page titles, meta descriptions, file and image names, alternative text (Alt Text), page URL (URL), and …. Since the interior is not visible in appearance, they do not pay much attention to it.

But paying attention to these items to complete the SEO process and get better rankings in search engines is inevitable. Page Title ‌, Page URL, and Meta Description, also known as Snippet, are the three most essential items in search engines and the content shared on social media.

It may seem strange, but ignoring these sections is one of the biggest reasons for the failure of SEO campaigns for novice webmasters. How and why you should complete these items requires trial and error and standard SEO rules and principles. For example, the number of characters used in the page title and meta description should be in the standard range of 160 characters, neither less nor more. Also, the URLs of the pages should be as short and straightforward as possible and written in English only. Using popular SEO plugins will help you complete these forms correctly.


main topics of SEO | smart strategy


6. Unusual use of keywords (Keyword Stuffing)

Keyword stuffing, or unconventional use of a keyword, is an old SEO technique by which webmasters could place a page or content of their website unusually in the initial results of search engines. The procedure of this technique is simple. However, his name is known for excessively using a keyword in a text and increasing its density to rank in search engine results.

This technique is a way to bypass the search engine artificial intelligence used from 2003 to 2007. Google partially prevented this fraud in 2003 by updating its Google Florida algorithm. Then, an update in 2011 for Google Panda and 2013 for Google Hummingbird completely eradicated the issue. Keyword Stuffing does not affect a website’s ranking these days, but using this method still involves heavy search engine penalties. So this is not only a spamming move but also a violation of common law.

Google identifies and penalizes websites that use this method with the help of its updated algorithms. The results show that even many websites have been removed from Google index pages altogether because of this technique. Unfortunately, many new webmasters are unaware of this and think that the more they use one keyword in the text, the better. If you ignore this issue, you can easily endanger the future of your website.


7. Do not use internal links to prevent SEO mistakes

Success in SEO and website optimization means that when a user enters your site, you can keep him on your website. If you achieve this, you will not only get good SEO points but also increase the profitability of your business and brand.

To do this, you need to make it as easy as possible for users to access other parts of your website. One of the essential practical methods in this field is to use content marketing to persuade users to learn more about your content. Such a system is well implemented in Wikipedia. You can increase the click-through rate of users by linking to other pages and content of your website in one article and improve your website’s credibility in search engines.


8. Failure to measure the performance of SEO-related processes

SEO novices prioritize using different SEO methods and do not pay much attention to their results. This is another common problem and mistake of these people. Doing other SEO methods and strategies is good, but it’s best to identify the best ones before you try them all together.

To do this, you must implement each strategy over time and then evaluate the performance of that method by following the results. To do this, it is recommended to use the online tools provided. With the help of these tools, including the powerful Google Webmaster Tools, you can track the results related to SEO processes and see the latest changes.



In this post on smart strategy, we notice eight common SEO mistakes that new startups may be in danger of. If you have questions, request a free proposal in our smart strategy SEO services, or contact us. visit our linkedin profile to see our content summaries.