As you know, Google uses different algorithms for different reasons. The main goal of these algorithms is to provide the best possible result to the users and to reach the desired result in the shortest possible time. For example, one of Google’s algorithms is the pigeon algorithm, which created a massive revolution in the world of SEO. In the article “An Ultimate Guide to SEO (Search Engine Optimization),” we introduce the Google pigeon algorithm. If you also have a site and want to learn more about the mechanism pigeon algorithm, keep us on the following article of the Smart strategy blog.


google pigeon update infographic

What is the pigeon algorithm?

The mechanism of the pigeon algorithm is entirely different from other algorithms, and its basis is to pay attention to location and geography. So when you have mentioned the name of a place and geographic area in your search term, the Google pigeon displays the best results for you.

As you know, Google algorithms look for keywords related to searched terms so that you can find exactly what you want. Google checks the content, images, videos, related words, and other factors and ranks the sites so that the best site is shown to you as the priority.

Pigeon algorithm and its impact on local SEO

Imagine that you have gone to another city for the first time, for example, Vancouver, and you have no information about its shops or restaurants. It is noon, and you are starving. How can you find a restaurant near your area? Just pick up your mobile phone and, for example, if you’re in the West End, search for West End restaurants or fast food. In this situation, the Google pigeon comes to your aid and provides you with the results related to your search term and the address and phone number.

The pigeon algorithm is related to Local SEO and site optimization based on location. As a site owner, you must use tactics to be in the top Google results in local searches. Local SEO is one of the most critical factors in the success of your business. Every business owner seeks to find their real customers and introduce their products and services to them. The more you can submit your services and products to people who live in your geographic location, the more likely you will be successful.


Read A to Z of Google Penguin Algorithm


location base SEO
location based SEO



The impact of the pigeon algorithm on site traffic and conversion rate

It may be exciting and strange to know that the Google Pigeon has two different effects on traffic and conversion rate. This algorithm may decrease your site’s traffic but increase the conversion rate. But how?

Imagine you have a website for a restaurant in the West End, but you haven’t optimized it for local SEO and the pigeon algorithm. It is possible that when users in different cities and geographical locations search for the phrase “best restaurant in Vancouver,” your site will also be displayed for them. This issue, for example, causes your site to be visited 100 times a day, but how many of these people are actually in the West End area and can use your services? Undoubtedly, few of them are your target community, and as a result, the conversion rate of your site, i.e., the number of people who, for example, order food online, is 10 to 100 or one-tenth.

The second case is when you have optimized your site for local SEO and the Google pigeon . In this case, your site will be displayed to users in the search results when users search for the term restaurant in West End. The number of people entering your site may decrease from 100 to 50, but these 50 people are your target community, who are most likely to order food online. If half of these people also choose you to order food, the conversion rate for the site will be 25 to 50 or 50%!

Is the pigeon a practical algorithm for all sites?

So far, we have learned about the pigeon algorithm and how it works, but the question arises whether this algorithm can be effective for all sites. In answer to this question, we must say no! Imagine that you have an online company that offers services to all the country’s cities or even other countries without geographic restrictions. It doesn’t matter to you whether your customers live in Vancouver or the south and west of the country. In this case, the pigeon algorithm not only does not help you but can reduce the number of your customers. Therefore, as the owner of a site and responsible for its SEO, you must know whether your site needs to be optimized for the Google pigeon or not.


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How to optimize your site for pigeon algorithm and local SEO?

In this part of the article, we want to know what effects the Google pigeon algorithm has on the SEO of the site and the display of search results. In general, these results can be summarized as follows:


Personalize search results

One of the effects of the pigeon algorithm on search results is its personalization. What does it mean? In the above sections, we mentioned that if users search for a restaurant in the West End, restaurants in the same area will be displayed. But what results will users show if they only search for the term restaurant?

Before the Google pigeon , when you searched for a general term like a restaurant, you would be shown dozens of sites, perhaps only a limited number of which were close to you. But Google’s pigeon algorithm works even for general keywords and tries to display the best results for you. So, for example, if you search for the word restaurant in Vancouver, its effects will be different from the exact search term in Toronto, and Google will show you more personalized and valuable results.


Helping local businesses

As was briefly mentioned in the above sections, the pigeon algorithm was able to create a massive transformation in local businesses in a short time. In addition, various business owners soon realized that optimizing their site for the Pigeon algorithm could significantly increase their number of users and develop their business.


Read A to Z of Google sandbox algorithm.


local SEO
local SEO


How to optimize your site for the Google pigeon algorithm?

So far, we have learned about the mechanism and importance of the pigeon algorithm. Next, we want to know what we should do to optimize our site in this algorithm.

Submit your site to directory websites

In section E, by registering your site in directory sites, you can attract the attention of the pigeon algorithm and optimize it. Therefore, writing your site in several directory sites is better to increase the number of users who enter your location.

Register your site on Google Maps

Another way to optimize your site according to Google’s algorithm is to register your geographic location in Google. With this, Google gets a more accurate understanding of your location and prioritizes you in displaying search results.

You can do this through the mobile app and the web version of Google Maps. Registering your location in Google is simple; you only need a Gmail. However, be careful to enter contact information, working hours, picture, name, field of activity, and other information for a better effect when registering information.

Include your name, address, and phone number on all pages of the site

Google bots can understand addresses and phone numbers, and they have an impact on local SEO. Therefore, by repeating your address and phone number in the page footer, automatically repeated on all pages, you can get the heart of the pigeon algorithm! This information should be the same on the pages so that Google does not get confused and has a better impact on the site’s SEO. In addition to entering information in the footer, have a page to contact us and record your contact information, phone number, email, and address.

Dedicate a section for the comments of your users and customers

Another critical parameter that affects the pigeon algorithm is the registration of users’ and customers’ opinions. Registering comments can affect local SEO and place your site in the top search results. Therefore, ask your customers and users to express their views about your services and products. You can even entice them to post comments by using tricks like prizes, discount codes, sweepstakes, etc.

Use the schema markup language.

A schema markup language is Google’s language, a collection of small pieces of information. This additional information helps Google better recognize your site’s information and content and display it to users in the top search results.

Choose a national host.

When you register your site, you can use different Canadian or foreign hosts. Using foreign hosts may bring benefits, but using a Canadian host can significantly affect local SEO if you operate in Canada. This is because pigeon’s algorithm first checks the IP of sites and prioritizes Canadian IPs for Canadian users.

Register your domain with a national extension

Another important and influential factor in local SEO and the pigeon algorithm is the site’s domain. If you are familiar with the site registration process, you know that you can use different parts. For example, if you register a place with a national extension, local SEO and pigeon algorithm will attract more attention to you.

Work on your site’s SEO

Another critical point is that when you work on the pigeon algorithm, don’t forget other Google algorithms and other factors affecting the site’s SEO! Use helpful content for users, and use backlinks, related images, videos, animations, and other solutions to help your site’s SEO and increase its credibility with Google.


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Like other Google algorithms such as Content Freshness Algorithm, Google BERT Algorithm, Rank Brain Algorithm, and Google Dance Algorithm, … Pigeon algorithm also seeks to display the best search results for users. This algorithm emphasizes the geographical location more than anything else and shows the results to the users based on it. In this article, we have learned about the impact of the Google pigeon and solutions for site optimization. If you have questions, please get in touch with us through smart strategy SEO services.   visit our linkedin profile to see our content summaries.