SEO or site optimization determines the ranking and position of your site in search results. It does not matter what kind of site you have, whether you are in charge of a large office site or a small store site. A successful SEO strategy will help you get more online traffic, more customers, and thus more profitability. To do this, you need to work on on-site optimization so that your site’s search engines value it and show it to users in the top Google results. In the article “An Ultimate Guide to SEO (Search Engine Optimization)” we introduce site optimization. Join us in the smart strategy blog to be familiar with 15 golden keys for site optimization.


Infographics | SEO Infographic | site optimization


What should you do for your site optimization?

1. Write quality content for your better SEO

One of the most important ways to improve your SEO is to write quality content. Quality content is at the core of SEO success, so fill your site with content.
To get started, make sure each article has at least 300 words. Then, search engines can easily detect duplicate content and penalize your site for the same content.
Divide the content into short pieces and avoid writing a long, coherent text. For this purpose, you can use headings and subheadings.

More importantly, your content must meet Google EAT criteria to improve your site’s SEO: Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness. Google will introduce these criteria in 2018 and review most of them on sites with medical and scientific topics. For your content to meet Google’s standards, you should try to use official sources and references to write your content and name them.

quality content for better site SEO
quality content for better site SEO

2. Use internal SEO for site optimization

Another important way to improve your site optimization (SEO) is to use internal SEO. Internal SEO is related to the written content of the text. Therefore, content should not only be quality; it should also be search engine optimized. How to do this?

  • Choose one main keyword and 3 or 4 sub-keywords.
  • Put the primary keyword in the URL of that page.
  • Ensure the title tag, meta description, and heading H1 include the main keyword.
  • Use bullet points for citations and short descriptions.
  • Your content has at least one image.
  • Use internal linking.
  • The title you choose for the topic should be attractive and engaging.
  • Image files must be labeled with the file name and have the original keyword with the image’s alt tag and its title.

internal SEO | smart strategy

3. Choose an effective keyword

Another important and influential factor in improving SEO is choosing the right and effective keyword. First, you need to know what words and phrases your users search for most and what they are looking for. Then optimize your content based on those keywords.

A keyword tells search engines what your page and content are about to show it to users in related search results. In addition to having the main keyword for a page, having a second keyword can also be helpful. There are many free and paid apps and sites to find the most repetitive and searched keywords by users, with the help of which you can find the most effective and appropriate keywords.


4. Use of external backlinks

Another key to site optimization (SEO) is to use external SEO. Google considers your site valuable when users enter your site through backlinks from other sites. Do not sacrifice quality for quantity to get backlinks from other sites. This means choosing one or two high-credibility sites instead of placing multiple links on multiple low-profile sites. The more reputable your site backlinks are, the more impact they will have on your site’s SEO ranking.

An effective way to get external backlinks is to create an engaging infographic and allow other sites to publish it on their site and content. (An infographic is an expression of a topic and content in the form of photos, charts, etc.). Users like to share infographics and use them.

Venngage is a simple tool for creating infographics. You can create an image based on your statistics and information and share it with your target users and community via email. At the end of the designed infographic, put your site address so that if your infographic is helpful for users, they will enter your site through the link.

external backlink
external backlink

5. Take site security seriously

Suppose your site does not have high security and reliability. In that case, users are reluctant to register on your site and enter their information, the download rate of content from your site is much lower, and the user fears that his system will be hacked or infected. As a result, your site will not be entered. Instead, use HTTPS encryption to ensure your site is secure. This site gives you an SSL certificate, creates a secure connection between the platform and users, and protects information such as passwords that users enter on your site.

You also need to code your site well to ensure it is accessible. This will make Google bots crawl your site. Inserting a robots.txt file informs bots where they should and should not look for your site information.

Having a sitemap can also have a significant impact on improving your SEO. The map contains an overview of the page list and helps Google know exactly what your site is about.


6. Improve crawl capability for your site optimization (SEO)

Another critical factor that affects the improvement of SEO is the ability to crawl. Crawling refers to the process of search engines finding new and up-to-date pages. Crawling capability ensures that search engines can find your site. There are currently billions of active sites on the Internet, so this issue significantly impacts SEO. Therefore, you need to optimize your site as much as possible for crawling.

Using the Google Search Console tool, you can check how your pages crawl in search engines. Googlebot is constantly crawling the web, searching, and indexing. If you’ve just launched your site, it will probably be hard to find by Google Bot. So to prevent this problem, let Google Bot access the CSS, JavaScript, and image files you place on the site. You should also use a “robots.txt” file to tell Googlebot which pages not to crawl. This file should be in the leading directory of your site.

One way to improve your crawl is to update your site and add new content constantly.


7. Increase site speed

Many changes have taken place since the digital world was first used. It has been a long time since we waited impatiently to dial and connect to the Internet! These days, speed is at the forefront of the digital world.

Currently, the average load of Google sites is 3 seconds. This amount is also reduced to 2 seconds for e-commerce sites. Google has stated that it intends to reduce this time to half a second in the future. As a result, you need to work on speeding up your site.

Google search bots estimate site speed based on HTML code. Google also uses Chrome browser user data to learn more about how fast a site is loading. There are several things you can do to speed up your website. These include minimizing HTTP requests, minimizing and merging files, and using asynchronously loading JavaScript and CSS files.

Server response time is another issue to consider. The system server holds a database of IP addresses. When a person enters a URL into their browser, the DNS server translates that address into the corresponding IP address to find it, as if a computer were searching for a number in a phonebook. How long it takes to do this depends on the speed of your DNS provider. Therefore, before choosing a server, check the speed of the server services you want to ensure the proper rate of your site.

site speed
site speed


8. Interact with your users

Another factor that can affect site optimization (SEO) is user interaction. Your content should be attractive enough to engage users engage with you. Google monitors this level of interaction through an artificial intelligence tool called RankBrain.

Rank Brin evaluates factors such as click-through rate (number of people who click on your site link through search results), retention time (when users spend on your site), etc., to the extent of user interaction with your site. . For example,,, if a large number of users leave your site immediately after entering, your site bounce rate will increase, which is not SEO friendly.

Generate attractively and quality content to increase user interaction with the site. Have a simple site so users can easily navigate your area and get the necessary information. The use of images and infographics also helps to improve SEO.

user interaction | smart strategy


  1. Use schema notation

Schema or structured data markup is a type of backup metadata that shows Google how to categorize and interpret your page and site. This data helps the search engine determine the kind of page. For example, does Google use these tokens to determine if your page is a recipe or a chapter in a book? provides a universal language for structured data. When creating new content and page, you can use this tool to determine the layout of your site and help improve your site optimization (SEO).


  1. Increase the credibility of your site

Registering a site domain takes considerable time to find an exemplary reputation and position. Internal SEO, internal and external backlinks, loading speed, etc., are some factors that give your site credibility. The critical point is that you should never go for unprincipled solutions and so-called black hat SEO to increase your site’s ranking. Once Google detects that your site is infringing, it will remain in its memory for a long time, and you will have to try several times to get your position back.

You need to constantly check the credibility and position of your site using tools like the Backlink Audit Tool. With these tools, you will find your site credibility in a score between 0 and 100. If your site scores are between 0 and 60, you must work harder to improve your position.

 site credibility
site credibility
  1. Design a mobile-compatible site

These days, cell phones are used to access the Internet more than computers and laptops. Realizing this, Google has stated that the compatibility of sites with mobile phones is one of the essential factors in determining the site’s position and improving its SEO. Therefore, Google provides you with a free mobile-compatible testing tool that you can use to identify barriers to using your site.

The site’s design should be such that when you open it on your computer, laptop, and mobile phone screen, the site should not be disturbed, all the content is displayed, and the buttons the user should click on easily on the phone. It can be used together with a computer. Fonts should also be readable on small screens such as mobile phones. You should consider this at the beginning of site design to improve SEO.

 mobile friendly
mobile friendly
  1. Build trust and confidence in users

Another critical point to improve SEO is increasing user interaction to gain their trust. Imagine that you have a business producing technical and engineering parts. You must:

  • Name the big and small business letters on your site that have worked with you,
  • Give their comments to users,
  • Use up-to-date scientific articles in your field to ensure users that you are up to date with the latest developments in your area.
  • Provide users with addresses and communication channels such as email, phone numbers, and virtual networks. Not including the address and location on the site will significantly prevent your users from trusting in your authenticity and trustworthiness.
  1. Use social networks

More than 3.6 million people currently use various social networks. This number shows the significant impact of these networks on people. Being active in one or more social networks, such as Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, etc., will attract users and increase their interaction with you. Which social network you focus on the most depends mainly on your purpose and that of your users. To improve your SEO, try different tools to identify which social networks your target community uses the most.

The important thing in using virtual networks is that you do not seek to bypass Google! Google also has algorithms and principles, such as google dance and rank brain, for examining virtual networks that help detect users’ fakeness, comments, and likes. So to improve your SEO site, seek to attract genuine followers through valuable social media content.

social media


  1. Use questions and answers.

One of the clever ways to improve your site optimization (SEO) ranking is to use common questions and answers. After you have written comprehensive and complete content about the topic you are interested in, you can also answer frequently asked questions by users. If you have trouble finding users’ most commonly asked questions, you can use the Keyword Magic Tool to get acquainted with the most frequently asked questions in your field.


  1. Design your site user-friendly

The final point to improve the SEO of the site is to design the site in a way that is attractive to users and that they like it. So, in addition to SEO tips, create your site and the content you put on it in a way that is based on your users’ interests and has value. Also, the content you put on the site while being specialized should be so that all users can understand and use it.

user friendly


You need to work on your SEO for your site to be in the top search engine results. In this article, we have provided 15 essential tips to improve your SEO site so that you can grow your business. If you have questions about your site optimization, please contact us or request a proposal from our smart strategy SEO services.   visit our linkedin profile to see our content summaries.