In this article, we want to review some common mistakes in Paid Advertising or Online Advertising. Hopefully, this will help you to avoid the same mistakes in your online advertising strategies. 

What online advertising has to offer is well-known. Advertisers are constantly trying to find new, innovative ways to engage with consumers online, increase their brand awareness and drive online sales.

Following the latest online advertising trends should be part of every online marketer’s plan. And because online advertising is constantly developing, you must avoid inevitable mistakes to get the most out of your campaigns. 

However, even experienced online marketers sometimes make some common mistakes in paid advertising while creating online ads (banner ads). Failing to follow simple guidelines while creating online ads could result in poor click-through rates, wasted budgets, and poor results overall.


What are the common mistakes in paid advertising?

Here are a few common mistakes in paid advertising people usually make:

avoid common mistakes in paid advertising

1. Not including the desired action in the online ads

The online consumer is exposed to thousands of online ads every single day. However, because attention spans are getting shorter, it becomes harder and harder to grab the consumers’ attention when they land on your online ad. Therefore, when you buy online advertising space (banners, skyscrapers, etc.) for your website or social media profile, ensure you include a call-to-action in the online ad itself! If you create online ads without having any calls to action or links to landing pages, your online advertising efforts will probably fail.

2. Not using images that stand out

Visual content is one of the critical components of successful online advertising campaigns. Although written content still has its value online, online consumers are attracted to online ads that include visually appealing images. Make sure your online ads stand out from the rest by using high-quality images. Big, beautiful photos are one of the most effective online advertising tools.

3. Forgetting about social media

There’s no doubt social media is becoming more and more critical for online marketers. Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn offer excellent opportunities to connect with customers personally, build company culture online, and informally engage with potential customers. The last thing you want to do is ignore social media regarding online advertising campaigns, though! You must take advantage of the platform because it allows online marketers to build a following online and engage with customers on a more personal level.

4. Not using engaging online ads

Building an online presence is the key to online advertising success. Online advertisements that include content that encourages online consumers to interact or share information are usually much more successful than online ads that don’t engage with the consumer. Make sure your online ads encourage people to like, post comments, or share information because you will get more exposure and create an environment where discussions about your brand can take place! 

5. Not spending enough time testing online ads

Creating online advertising campaigns might be easy, but it takes time and effort to make them successful. The thing is, there’s no way to know what online ad works best without testing it. Test your online ads against each other in terms of design, messaging, and the number of clicks they generate. A/B testing online ads are important because it allows online marketers to continuously refine online advertising methods to achieve the best results out of their online ad campaigns!


Don’t forget that online advertising isn’t just about creating online ads but also how you manage them. By following these simple common mistakes in paid advertising people usually make when creating online decisions, you will be able to get more sales online and increase online sales conversions in general. 

Let us help you with your online advertising. Contact us today for a free consultation. Also, you can visit our LinkedIn profile for more digital marketing infographics and summarized articles.