A consistent plan and continuity is the only way to succeed in any endeavor. You need specialized planning and continuity to have a better position in Google. By preparing an SEO campaign, you can determine the path to success of a site and know what to do and when. In this article on a smart strategy blog, we explain the concept of an SEO campaign and the nine steps to launch a successful SEO project to improve your position in SERP.

What is an SEO campaign?

To accomplish a task in the best possible way, you must first clarify how to do it. For example, an SEO campaign is a set of predetermined tasks that improve a website’s position for a few specific keywords in Google.

Most SEO professionals, before starting to optimize a site, first define a campaign that has the steps of doing SEO to get a top ranking in Google or any other search engine, which includes: research on Keywords, content pillars, the content providing tables, factors related to internal SEO, etc.

The difference between a dedicated SEO campaign and doing SEO without a predetermined plan is that the SEO campaign has specific, measurable goals, and you will notice your progress.


seo campaign | smart strategy

Steps to launch an SEO campaign

  • Check the current status of the site
  • Specify the purpose of the campaign
  • Check Competitors
  • Keyword selection
  • Content production
  • Internal link optimization
  • Clever external linking
  • Use of social networks
  • Advertising (SEM)


1. Check the current status of the site

In the first step, it is best to check the current status of the site or site optimization. Before designing an SEO campaign, you should first know what your site is like and make sure that no problem could negatively affect your SEO campaign.

For example, suppose your site does not have the right speed. In that case, the probability of achieving the desired result is significantly reduced because the rate of the site is one of the most critical factors affecting the SEO of the site.

In general, check three things before you start your campaign:

1. Website is compatible with mobile.

2. Load quickly and correctly on desktop and mobile.

3. SSL is enabled. (SSL indicates that your site is secure)

You can quickly check the overall status of a site using tools like SEMRUSH or SEOquake. This helps to prioritize the implementation of a campaign. You can also use the Page speed insight tool to check the site speed and the Mobile-friendly test to check the site’s compatibility with mobile.


2. Define your goal of forming a campaign.

Before starting a campaign, you need to be clear about what you want and your goal to get created. Product sales, traffic acquisition, branding, or training. Once you have selected your main goal, you need to break it down into smaller pieces. 
For example, you run a web marketing training site, and your goal is to launch a campaign to sell search console training products. (Your targeting should be just as accurate.) Keep in mind that there may be a lot of variety in your training products, but can you put all of these products in your SEO campaign at the same time? No. You need to focus on a limited number of your products.
Now you have a clear goal for launching your campaign; “Launching an SEO campaign to sell search console training products.”
SEO goal
SEO goal

3. Competitors’ analysis

Before you start SEOing a site, you can check out the top sites that work in similar fields.

How do we know which sites are better? Are they our competitors?

In the first step, make a list of sites similar to yours. Then, let me give you an example to understand better how to make a list of competitors.

Imagine one of your site’s services is free advertising, and you want to get a position in Google for this keyword.

  • Search for the keyword you want in the search engine.
  • Make a list of the first ten results displayed to you.
  • Check the sites’ SEO status, domain and site points, appearance and backlinks, etc.

Choose the sites that you think you can get ideas from. Then, I suggest you finally choose 3 to 5 sites as competitors. Then, once you reach their current state, pick five new and top competitors and continue this cycle.
After selecting competitors, try to examine them in more depth and what they have done that they are currently in this position. Get ideas from them.

You can use tools like Ahrefs and SEMRUSH to check competitors.


4. Keyword selection

Choosing a keyword is the most crucial step in an SEO campaign; how to select the right keywords will introduce you to your target audience, and the wrong choice of keyword will cause you to lose customers and users who are looking for your services and content. Do not forget that by choosing the wrong keyword, all your work for a site SEO will be ineffective or very ineffective.

Prioritize your keywords and generate content according to SEO-friendly content creation principles for them according to their priorities. When choosing keywords through the introduced tools, check word search volume, word value, what users intend to search for this word, word difficulty, and how competitive the word is. Next, specify the site’s primary and secondary keywords, then determine which keyword you want each page of the place to be displayed. Finally, choose keywords relevant to your campaign goal, especially long-term ones, and it is now possible for you to target and achieve them.


5. Production of quality content

After choosing a keyword, you should now provide valuable and comprehensive content for each keyword that meets the needs of your target user.

Note that if your content does not match the keyword, the user does not answer the question after entering your site page, and his needs are not met, you will cause the customer to lose and be pessimistic about your site.

The main reason for the emergence of search engines was content. Therefore, you should also include content optimization in your program when preparing an SEO campaign. When writing a piece of content, you need to consider what users are looking for, what they intend to search for, and what answers they expect in response to their questions.

Content optimization does not mean using a few keywords in the content, but you need to cleverly place your keywords in the text so that the reader does not lose its natural meaning and flow.

By following Google’s algorithms (google dance, rank brain, …) to structure content, your chances of being on the first page of Google increase.

Factors influencing the position of your content:

1. Write attractive meta descriptions.

The first thing the audience sees before entering your page is the meta description. In fact, after reading the meta, the user decides whether to join your page or not.

2. URL pages

Inform Google users and bots about your page’s topic by selecting and writing a clever URL in a few words.

3. Pictures

Images and visual elements will significantly contribute to the attractive appearance of your site. Try to be smart in choosing a photo. A photo with the right quality and size, with the right color combination, has a clear purpose and engages the mind and sense of the audience.

Also, use “Alt text” in your photos. This helps bots understand images more efficiently, allowing users to search for your site, display your site’s pictures in the photos section, and be redirected to your site.


6. Internal SEO optimization

Google’s primary goal is to satisfy its users; if a user enters your site, does not answer their questions or needs are not met, and leaves your site immediately, this action will result in a negative rating from Google for your site.

You can help the user experience a better experience by using your site by optimizing the internal situation of the site, creating visual appeal, and making it easier for the user to work with your site. Internal SEO will help you in these cases. In internal SEO, you should check things such as site speed, site compatibility with mobile, site appearance and content, and so on.


internal SEO optimization
internal SEO optimization

7. Clever external linking

Having a lot of backlinks from other sites will indeed help increase your site ranking, but do not forget that in SEO, quality is more important than quantity. Therefore, before placing your link on other sites, try to check the status of that site so that you do not get the opposite result and your site does not receive spam points from Google.

Link building is the process of placing your site link on other reputable sites.

  • In external SEO, you should note that you place your links on pages related to your chosen page’s topic.
  • Be careful when choosing your anchor text. An anchor text is a word or phrase that describes your link. For example, in an article, when you click on a successful SEO campaign, you are redirected to a new page. This phrase describes the subject of the link and is called anchor text.
  • You can check the competitors’ site backlinks using the tools to find a site for backlinks.
  • Use ad reporting to have strong backlinks. For example, many sites charge you to write and publish an article in which you indirectly introduce your services and products and put your link in that text for a fee.
  • Find broken links and fix or delete them. Using various tools, you can find links that no longer work. After seeing these links, in the first step, you can create the link yourself or by the site administrator; otherwise, you can ask Google to remove these links.
  • Blogging sites that accept you as a guest author and allow you to write guest posts on their site are a good platform for building backlinks.


8. Use of social networks

Sharing your content on other social networks can help increase traffic and your site ranking.

Social networks with good social media content are an opportunity to help you get more views, so my suggestion is to be active on social pages like Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram and put your site link on these networks. This will increase your credibility in the eyes of the robots and also introduce you to new audiences.


9. Advertising (SEM)

After doing the internal and external affairs of the site, finally set several months for your campaign and advertise your site. SEM means search engine marketing; you pay a certain amount of money and select the target keywords, and you are displayed on the first page of Google in the specified words. You will be introduced to people looking for your products and searching for your keywords.

You have to top up your wallet, and with each click, an amount will be deducted from your wallet. (This is called PPC, meaning Pay Per Click advertising)

You can use banner ads, click-through ads, and pop-ups to implement the SEM strategy. Doing so will increase site traffic, introduce your brand to target users, and increase sales.



This blog on smart strategy explains how to launch a successful SEO campaign. SEO consists of a general and constant cycle of keyword selection, content production, and internal and external SEO. But do not forget that you can design a different SEO campaign and make your path easy and fast with a bit of creativity, thought, and analysis. If there is any question, please contact us or request a free proposal from our smart strategy SEO service. visit our linkedin profile to see our content summaries.